A new year: a new round, new chances!
Just like this typical Dutch saying, do you feel the same way about a new year?
I actually do, except for 1 specific and prominent part of my life: Running.
That just keeps (me) going and going 🙂
Just putting my running shoes on and run.
Short or long, slow or fast, through the woods or in the city.
Either way, as long as I can run.
Ok, I’ll be honest… My favorite run is an early, beautiful sunny morning run through this awesome city. Rotterdam is waking up, birds are whistling, the city’s past- present- and future coming together at the crack of dawn.
When I’m traveling myself, I always bring my running gear. I love running through an unknown city.
Yet it has happened regularly that I found out afterward, that I had missed certain interesting spots. Too soon, too fast, too eager to go, yet not enough pre-city- investigations. Recognizable? 😉
That’s how the Rotterdam Sightrunning Tours were founded. I don’t want fellow runners to experience the same thing. Let me take you for a nice running tour through our awesome city Rotterdam. And let me show you the famous as well as the less discovered parts of the city while running.
A group- or a private tour.
Maybe an early bird business run/ training?
Either way! My pleasure!
Just ask the reception for more information or to book a tour.
Or check our website for more information:
Hopefully, we’ll meet each other soon during one of our Rotterdam Sightrunning Tours.
Cheers! Anne